
Volunteer on a Board / Commission / Committee

It is personally rewarding to join with others in serving your town! We all lead very busy lives, but please consider volunteering in some way to help our town meet the challenges of the future, while preserving our desirable lifestyle here in Double Oak.

The business of the town is addressed in several different ways: by the Mayor and Town Council (elected volunteers); by the town staff; and by citizen volunteers serving on various boards, commissions and committees. Those positions are appointed by the Mayor and/or Town Council from citizens who show an interest in serving. Questions about volunteering opportunities, beyond what is addressed in this package, can be referred to town staff, the Mayor, or any council member. The following bodies are on-going, established boards, whose members are up for appointment or reappointment by the Town Council in September of each year:

If you have an idea for a committee not listed, or an area not being addressed by any of these groups, or for details about any of the existing committees, please contact the Mayor, Town Secretary, or any Town Council member.

Double Oak is YOUR TOWN — we invite your involvement! Let’s join together to keep this the special place it is today, while addressing the challenges we will face in the future.

To apply, please complete the appropriate application form below and follow the submission instructions.