Message from Double Oak Mayor Mike Donnelly

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November 28, 2022

My fellow Double Oak citizens,

The subject of United States Department of Treasury State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) has been of much discussion in Double Oak since May/June 2022. 

I think it appropriate that I inform you that I plan to put the following items on the Monday, December 5, 2022 agenda that’s related to SLFRF:

  1. Discussion, consideration and action on State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF); Overview of Final Rule and all related matters

    Explanation: I have asked the town attorney and town auditor to come to the council meeting and provide information and updates. The Department of Treasury has provided better clarifications of intent for some of its guidelines and rules. 
  2. Discussion, consideration and action on disbursement of SLFRF Premium Pay 

    Explanation: the town has a couple of police officers who did not receive premium pay in May 2022. Let me assure you, this is not a consideration of $25,000 that was done in the past. The premium pay dollar amount that will be discussed is more in line with what some citizens and council have mentioned at previous council meetings. 

All SLFRF matters will be placed on a public agenda so residents have a voice and council gets to vote. That is the way it should be done.

I look forward to working with my council colleagues and citizens on both items, and together, we will show how things can be done when brought before the citizens and town council. 

I am very hopeful that good news will come from this council meeting as pertains to the town’s SLFRF compliance with Department of Treasury. That would be a great way to close out the year for our town of Double Oak.

Working together, we can make it happen.

U.S. Treasury - SLFRF - Final Rule Overview

Town of Double Oak - SLFRF Justification Letter

Mayor Mike Donnelly