Double Oak Women's Club

Double Oak Women's Club Logo

About Us

The Double Oak Women’s Club (DOWC) provides a periodic social gathering for the fellowship, entertainment, and education of its membership. Fundamental to DOWC is connecting with one’s neighbors; making contacts with other women for fun and support; and creating a caring environment for ourselves, our children and families.

Community Support

The DOWC supports our community in a variety of ways, including but not limited to; providing a member network for activities and recreation, greeting newcomers, distributing scholarship funds, organizing adult socials, and sponsoring holiday events for the children of Double Oak. Fundraising and membership dues underwrite costs of special and charitable projects.

Payment of DOWC dues entitles a member to all rights of membership, a DOWC Yearbook, and subscription to the DOWC monthly Newsletter. Members receive advance notices of the year’s meetings and special programs. All women who are current or past residents of the Town of Double Oak are invited to join the Double Oak Women’s Club.

Visit their website for more information.