Christmas Tree Dumpster (12-27-2023)

Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree dumpster has arrived at Double Oak Town Hall for Double Oak residents only to use for disposal of Live Christmas Trees that have been stripped of decorations only please!

Check out Republic Services’ handy guide to disposing of holiday decorations and information below.

Real Christmas Trees

As long as tinsel, ornaments, and lights are removed first, your real Christmas tree doesn’t have to go to the landfill, but it does require special care to be turned into mulch or compost. Check for more information about Christmas tree pickups or drop-off locations (like Double Oak Town Hall while available).

Artificial Christmas Trees

The main benefit of an artificial tree is that it lasts for many years and is a mess-free alternative to a real tree. However, if your tree is on its last legs, don’t throw it in the recycling bin! We recommend donating it or repurposing it into a DIY wreath or decorative arrangement first. Artificial trees are usually made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is not recyclable.

Holiday Lights 

String lights should never be recycled. They can spool around the equipment at recycling facilities and cause a lot of damage. If you can’t reuse them next year, it’s better to throw them out.

Tinsel & Ornaments

Tinsel and ornaments are not recyclable either. If you can’t donate or repurpose them, toss them in the garbage.

Please do not leave anything on the ground.