Double Oak Town Council Appoints Dr. K. Favero to the Town Council

Council Member Favero

On Monday, November 13th, the Double Oak Town Council voted to appoint Dr. K. Favero to the town council.  Dr. K. will replace the seat vacated by the former Mayor Pro Tem, Connie Schoenrade, who has relocated from Double Oak.

Dr. K. Favero and her husband moved to Texas for a better way of life to raise their kids. They traveled to many cities and states, looking for the right fit for their family. Finally, a random chance had them on a plane to DFW. Both were so impressed with the North Texas area that they instantly sold everything they owned and moved. In checking out the different areas of the DFW metroplex, they both sought out the Town of Double Oak and decided to settle down in this picture-perfect town. 

Dr. K has been married to her sweetheart for over a decade. They met each other while attending the same dental school class. Ever since the two were married and graduated dental school, life has been a whirlwind with building businesses, expanding their family, selling businesses, moving across state lines, and starting again in Texas. They have children 9, 7, and 5 years old. They own a dental office in Denton, where they practice dentistry and enjoy working together. Dr. K. is active and volunteers in church and her children’s school and sports teams. She wants to help keep Double Oak a great place to live and enjoys helping out in her community. Dr. K. may not have been born in Texas, but she and her family love it and are now Texans in their hearts.

“Dr. K. is a great addition to the town council,” said Mayor Patrick Johnson, “Dr. K. will have the best interest of Double Oak and its citizens in her future work on the town council.”

Dr. K. will take her seat at the next Double Oak Town Council meeting on Monday, December 4th, at 7 pm.