CoServ implements Emergency Response Plan, requests energy conservation

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CORINTH, Texas – February 13, 2021 – In response to the extreme winter weather conditions in North Texas and the record-low temperatures in the forecast, CoServ has implemented its Emergency Response Plan (ERP). This companywide effort aligns resources where they are needed to continue serving Electric Members and Gas Customers with reliable electricity and natural gas service.

CoServ’s system is designed to have sufficient capacity to meet the energy demand. However, in light of the unprecedented and sustained prediction of low temperatures, CoServ is requesting that Members and Customers – Residential, Commercial and Industrial – cut back on their electricity and natural gas use as much as possible over the next several days.

“The low temperatures Sunday and Monday are expected to be in the low single digits,” said President/CEO Donnie Clary. “We want to get ahead of this situation and communicate to everyone now so that we can do everything we can to avoid service interruptions.”

Operations Crews are on-call and ready to respond to minimize service interruptions as much as possible.

Clary added that CoServ’s Engineering and Operations teams are closely monitoring and modeling electric load factors and our gas pressure system, and they also have a detailed plan in place should ERCOT, which manages most of the state’s power grid, initiate its Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) system. ERCOT alerts range from calls for conservation to a declaration of a statewide power emergency that could result in rotating outages—controlled, planned service interruptions designed to ensure grid stability.

Below are tips that CoServ is communicating to its customers. In addition to helping the grid, these energy-saving tips can also help customers save money.

“This is an all-hand’s-on-deck situation, and we want to do everything we can to serve and communicate with our customers,” he said. “With everyone’s help, we’ll get through this together.”


  • Set your thermostat to 68 or lower when you’re home and awake. Turn your thermostat back 5 to 7 degrees when asleep or the home is empty for more than 4 hours. (Don’t do this if you have a heat pump. Instead, set your thermostat as low as comfortable and maintain the setting.)
  • Open curtains and blinds on south-facing windows during the day to allow sunlight to heat your home, and close them at sunset to reduce the chill.
  • Keep your fireplace flue closed unless a fire is burning.
  • Turn down your water heater temperature setting to warm (120 degrees F).
  • If you have a pool, run your pool pump during the coldest part of the day, typically in the early morning.