Stage 3 watering restrictions - UPDATE


The staff is working diligently to repair the two wells that went down at the beginning of summer due to a lightning storm and mechanical failure.

We were able to get one well running on a temporary basis while we wait for permanent electrical components to be manufactured and shipped. Those components are scheduled for delivery the week of August 8th. Upon receipt of the components, that well will be taken offline for 2-3 days while installation is completed.

The second well motor, pump and electrical wire was delivered August 1st and is scheduled to be installed on August 4th. After installation, the staff will need to flush the well for the duration of the weekend before taking a sample for testing. Once our sample has passed testing requirements by the lab, we will be able to start pumping into the system. We estimate that to be August 8th or 9th.

Due to extremely high temperatures, current drought conditions and water restrictions of the Cities and Water Systems in the surrounding areas, we may need to continue Stage 3 restrictions for an extended period of time. Once both wells are back online and working properly, we will reevaluate Stage 3 restrictions.

During the month of July and while in Stage 3 restrictions, we distributed 96 million gallons of water to the membership. This is a historical high demand for the system and primarily due to the high temperatures and drought.

On average, a household family of 4 consumes/uses approximately 7,000 gallons of water per month for in-home usage. Right now, about 82% of all water distributed is being used on irrigation.

While our staff is out in the field, if they find Members who are not in compliance of the Stage 3 restrictions, they are educating them regarding the restrictions so we can all conserve water daily.

Thank you for all you are doing to assist us during this time. We appreciate you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office at the number listed below.

Chad Wolf
General Manager